Monday, June 18, 2007

Master Teacher in Media Literacy Certificates Awarded


                           First Group Certified in Media Literacy at the

Pauline Center for Media Studies in Culver City, CA


Culver City - On Saturday June 16 Master Teacher in Media Literacy Certificates were awarded to the first group of students to complete the new course sponsored by the Pauline Center for Media Studies in Culver City, CA.


“Training catechists, teachers, and opinion leaders in media literacy is an integral part of the charism of the Daughters of St. Paul,” Sister Rose Pacatte, director of the Pauline Center told the course participants, guests, and advisory board members present at the ceremony. “Media literacy specialization also meets the goals and objectives of the Synod of the Archdiocese as well as the National Directory for Catechesis.” 


Certificate recipients are (above photo, left to right) Alberto Bocanegra, high school teacher and confirmation catechist at St. Cecilia Parish; Sister Margaret Murtagh, CHF, a teacher at Bishop Conaty-Our Lady of Loretto High School; John Bonar, a teacher and campus minister at Ramona Convent Secondary School;  Francois J. Laborie, campus minister also from Ramona Convent Secondary School;  Sister Rose Pacatte, FSP, director of the Pauline Center for Media Studies; Sharon Hart from Our Lady of Fatima Parish in San Clemente, Diocese of Orange; .Stephen Geiger, radio Air Personality for 99.5 KKLA and 95.9 KFSH, a member of Catholics in Media and parishioner from St. Robert Bellarmine, Burbank;  Marlene Wilson, a child psychologist and a member of Our Lady of Mt. Lebanon Parish; and  Monica A. Brady, a catechist at St. Anthony’s in El Segundo.


"As educators, media have always been helpful tools in the classroom.  Today, however, there is a great need to help our students think critically about media in a way that is discerning and informed by their faith,” John Bonar said.  “I hope to use this new knowledge for the betterment of my students and colleagues and I look forward to learning as much from my students as I teach!" 


"I feel honored to be among the first group certified in Media Literacy, said Steve Geiger. “ I found out about the class in our church's bulletin. As a Catholic in media, I'm keenly aware of the need for well-informed voices among our faithful. The world of media is complex and influential. It's not enough to simply participate in media, we have to engage it. If you want to be on the cutting edge, Media Literacy is right there".


Fr. David Loftus, Coordinator of Adult Education & Catechist Formation for the Archdiocese and Sister Angela Hallahan, CHF, Coordinator of Religious Formation & Instruction for the high schools, were present for the certification ceremony, as was Sister Elizabeth Thoman, CHM, Founder of the Center for Media Literacy and Sister Gretchen Hailer, RSHM, who is a member of the certificate program faculty.


The Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ Department of Catholic Schools and the Office of Religious Education recognizes this Master Teacher in Media Literacy Education Certificate for the purposes of continuing education and catechist recertification at both the basic and advanced levels. The Diocese of San Diego recognizes this Certificate for a Specialization in Media Literacy and the Diocese of Orange recognizes the Certificate for re-certification of the Basic Catechist Certificate and 51 hours towards the 60 hours required in advanced methodology for the Master Catechist Certificate.


The 2007-2008 Master Teacher in Media Literacy Education Certificate Program begins on Saturday, September 15, 2007 and runs through June, 2008. Classes are the third Saturday of each month. The course fee is $295.00 and includes textbooks and most materials. For more information and a registration form visit and click on Master Teacher/Specialization on the menu or email or call Sister Rose at, 310-636-8385. You may also pick up a registration form at the Pauline Book & Media Center, 3908 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City.






1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rose, This is  awesome. Congratulations to the "Graduating Class"!