Friday, September 21, 2007

TRADE the Movie

TRADE, starring Kevin Kline as a man searching for someone that he assumes has disappeared into Mexico, opens on September 28. It is a story about the tragedy of human trafficking. Please read my review at


This is not an easy film to watch, however the only way to stop trafficking in human persons is to understand better what is going on invisibly around us. If you check the film's website you can see a list of cities and theaters where the film is opening on September 28:

There are four media mindfulness questions viewers can ask about this film:

What's going on?

What's really going on?

What difference does it make?

What difference can I make?

If you are interested in social justice issues, this, along with THE PRICE OF SUGAR (a documentary about human trafficking and slavery in the Dominican Republic) to be released in October, make them worthy films. TRADE is for mature audiences; the PRICE OF SUGAR is appropriate for high school and up. More about THE PRICE OF SUGAR later.

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