American & Canadian Media Educators Share 2007 Media Literacy Honors
On the 20th anniversary of the award, two media educators share this year’s annual Jessie McCanse Award, given to individuals for their outstanding sustained contribution to the field of media literacy. The award is given by the National Telemedia Council (NTC) based in Madison, Wisconsin.
"This year's recipients exemplify the high principles of excellence, dedication and innovation that The Jessie McCanse Award for Individual Contribution to Media Literacy represents. Both Rose and Chris consistently contribute deeply rich and thoughtful leadership to the field of media education" said Karen Ambrosh, President of the National Telemedia Council.
On October 26th, Sr. Rose Pacatte, founder and director of the Pauline Center for Media Studies in Los Angeles will receive the award at the reception of the Gabriel Awards, the Catholic Academy for Communication Arts Professionals annual ceremony for recognition of outstanding positive artistic achievement in television and radio programming. Presenting the award will be Karen Ambrosh, NTC President, Marieli Rowe, NTC Executive Director, and Ross McCanse, producer and son of the late Jessie McCanse. (For ticket information contact
On November 6th Chris Worsnop, pioneering Canadian media education and assessment teacher, consultant, writer, and speaker, will receive the award at a teacher workshop during Canada’s National Media Education Week in Toronto. Presenting the award will be Mary Moen, NTC Board Member and past recipient of the Jessie McCanse Award.
“I am extremely proud to be named as a recipient of the Jessie McCanse award,”
said Worsnop, “and to be counted among those former recipientswhom I have long respected as landmarks in the media education world. I am exceedingly proud of the fact that the nomination for this award is by the former recipients, as I consider this to be the ultimate in peer review.”
Previous Jessie McCanse awardees include:
2005 David Buckingham, professor, prolific author, director of Centre for the Study of Children, Youth and Media, London University, UK
2004 Rich Fehlman, past chair of NCTE Assembly on Media Arts, Professor of English and Teacher Education, University of Northern Iowa
2003 Len Masterman, UNESCO consultant, author of seminal works, e.g. Teaching The Media, lecturer, University of Nottingham, England
2001 Neil Andersen, English and Media teacher and consultant, Toronto District School Board, Ontario, Canada
2000 Kathleen Tyner, author of Literacy in A Digital World, professor of Radio, Television, and Film, University of Texas, Austin
1996 Jean-Pierre Golay, former director, Centre d’Initiation aux Communications, Lausanne, Switzerland
1995 John Pungente SJ, Jesuit Communication Project, President of the Canadian Assoc. of Media Education Orgs (CAMEO), Toronto, Canada
1994 David Considine, author, professor and coordinator of graduate degree program in Media Literacy, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina
1994 Madlyn Epstein Steinhart, middle school media educator, founder of Educators of Media and Telecommunications, Brooklyn, New York
1994 Lee Sherman Dreyfus, former governor of Wisconsin, former Chancellor and Professor of Communications, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
1990 John Brammall, senior lecturer in Psychology & Education, University of Tasmania - Launceston
1989 Barry Duncan, high school media educator, co-founder of Association for Media Literacy (AML), Ontario, Canada
1988 Mary Moen, Speech/Communications Teacher, Madison, Wisconsin
1987 Susan Dreyfus Fosdick, past NTC president, 1983-1986, Naperville, IL
Jessie McCanse Award
Jessie McCanse was co-founder of the National Telemedia Council which was then the American Council for Better Broadcasts. She was a teacher, mentor and lifelong leader. The Jessie McCanse Award, established in 1987, honors Jessie McCanse for her steadfast dedication and leadership role in media literacy, her sixty years as leader of our organization with its positive philosophy, and a champion of the highest standards of excellence, fairness, ethics, and innovation.
National Telemedia Council (NTC)
The National Telemedia Council is a national non-profit organization that has been promoting a media-wise, literate, global society for over five decades. We have a long history of a broad array of initiatives for teachers, parents and youth: annual conferences, workshops, a Look Listen Evaluation Project, an early children's cable TV channel, a satellite interconnect for kids, sponsor recognition awards, children’s film festivals, publications, and live interactive forums. NTC also publishes the nation’s only journal dedicated to media literacy.
The Journal of Media Literacy brings together the thinking and experiences of the major pioneers, the current practitioners, and the future thinkers in media literacy.
Background on the 2007 Recipients
Rose Pacatte
Sr. Rose Pacatte, a Daughter of St. Paul, is the Founder and Director of the Pauline Center for Media Studies in Los Angeles which offers a master teaching certificate program in media literacy education. She has an MA in Education in Media Studies from the University of London, UK, a certificate in Pastoral Communications from the University of Dayton and facilitates online communication and media courses for the University’s Virtual Learning Community of Faith Formation. She writes the Eye on Entertainment column for St. Anthony Messenger and is co-author of the Lights, Camera...Faith! A Movie Lectionary series. Her newest book is Lights, Camera... Faith! The Ten Commandments and Media Mindfulness: Educating Teens about Faith and Media from St. Mary’s Press (co-authored with Sr. Gretchen Hailer, RSHM) in March. In 2006 she published The Nativity Story: A Film Study Guide for Catholics and in November 2007 Into Great Silence: A Film Study Guide , co-written with Ron Schmidt, SJ, will be published, by Pauline Books & Media (
Chris Worsnop
Chris Worsnop is a consultant, writer, and speaker who specializes in media education and assessment. His background is in high school teaching and K-12 curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation in English language arts, drama, and media education. His books Screening Images: Ideas for Media Education (2nd edition, 1999) and Assessing Media Work: Authentic Assessment in Media Education (1996) are both published by Wright Communications, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. More recently, Chris has also served as committee chair and chief examiner of the International Baccalaureate Organization diploma arts program’s film course.
For additional information, contact Karen Ambrosh, President of the National Telemedia Council:
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